Blog Posts

Volley For Tomorrow – Jan 2024

Happy New Year Players!

Volley For Tomorrow

This will be the 9th year for the Volley For Tomorrow!  Again it will be 60 hours event and start at noon on Friday July 26 and end Sunday July 28th at midnight.  Cost will remain the same at $35 per player

Now is the time to pick your time slots and get your teams together.  I will start taking payment the end of February and T-shirt sizes the end of April.

Email me when you know which time slots you want.

$5 Bins at the Volley For Tomorrow

I will have the $5 bins at the event but will also have $5 items in the online store starting this month and going until June.  The online store is on

2nd Business for the VFT T-shirts

Again, I will be looking for a small business that would be interested in having their business name on the back of all the 250 event T-shirts.  This donation of $3,000 would offset the cost of the T-shirts, the rent and the insurance needed to run the event.  I would like to have another small business join me, so that all the proceeds can go to the charity.  As always, I do this event to pay it forward for my nephew Alex.

Thank you in advance for your continued support of the Volley For Tomorrow.