It’s all about me
The newsletters generally start off with it’s all about you, but the month of September is mine. September is my business anniversary, and I am celebrating 23 years. On September 11, 2023 I will officially be a small business owner for 23 years.
Any of you can do what I did. Start with a side hustle or a hobby you really love. From there build a foundation and a work ethic, build a customer base and get a few years under your belt. You will get to the point where you ask yourself “which path should I take; the one where I work for someone else or the one where I work for myself”.
The first true step is asking yourself, “what do I really enjoy doing?”. Then just do it. The money will eventually follow.
Fall Events
It looks like I will be teaming up with Cape Coast Juniors and using their facility for a Fall Scramble Series. This will be the standard 16 players on two courts format. Two dates in October, two dates in November and two in December. Prizes will be given on the last date and based on accumulated points.
Online Store
If you visit the online store at, you will see I’m starting to use Customer Pictures instead of the stock photos. So far I have Mark posing for the lightning sand socks, Zach and Tara posing for the Blast hoodie and Tina will be posing for the pink sand socks. If you already have an item I am currently selling and there is a stock photo for that item, then I would gladly use your photo for that item. Please look at Zach & Tara and Mark’s photos to get posing ideas!
September Coupon
To celebrate my business anniversary, I have created an “AnneMarie23” coupon code. This coupon code will give you 23% off your entire purchase in the online store. This coupon is good for the month of September. This will be the best deal of the year, even better than Black Friday. So use this month to stock up on your volleyball gear,